From Childhood To Adolescence - Kalakshe

2479 €

This work follows the child from the age of 7 through adolescence. Dr. Montessori’s understanding of the adolescent’s need for independence in thought and action is remarkable. Her ... Lire plus

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    Frais de port fixes 7,99 € (BE) / 12,99 € (FR)

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  • __Depuis 2000__ pour particulier et professionnel

    Depuis 2000 pour particulier et professionnel

This work follows the child from the age of 7 through adolescence. Dr. Montessori’s understanding of the adolescent’s need for independence in thought and action is remarkable. Her comments on the state of education and its implications for the world at large are very modern and more relevant today than ever before. • Kalakshetra: 151 pp, hard cover, 1973 edition.
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